We witness a few nebulae congeal in a rare moment of splendor while galavanting across galactic landscapes. Here’s a fragment recorded from this excursion: Dorrie Lipman on violin improv, and […]
We witness a few nebulae congeal in a rare moment of splendor while galavanting across galactic landscapes. Here’s a fragment recorded from this excursion: Dorrie Lipman on violin improv, and […]
I couldn’t get this song out of my head yesterday…till I did, and this is what it sounded like…
wallowing fruitless swallowing, following choking metrics hokus-pokus floating but encumbered showing but stoic flowing downhill slowing slowly mowing my mane growing, keep growing shadows deception fire-flung inception fatal forms Plato […]
Saffron Mystic blue moon, purple clouds, three green snakes held left, three crouched wolves sat right, seven dancing swords in mid-air flight. thousand arms shimmering, third eye bright, like the hundredfold […]
This is my most recently recorded jam, borne of the inspiration by Reggie Watts’ incredible looping and eccentric music-making style, which stirred up within me sounds and beats that needed […]
Powered by This is the most recent song I recorded and it represents the most developed music-making style I have reached whereby I combine the impressions of the moment […]
Powered by This is one of the last songs I recorded and, as usual, is composed of a main guitar line which alternates between two variations of the same […]
Powered by This is a slightly older song which I recorded about a year or so ago and was completely done on the Garageband program on a Macbook without […]
Powered by This is another thematic song that emerged at random and began to assume its own character and role, a feeling of cyberspace, OK Computer nostalgia, and robot […]
Powered by This is a song I wrote during my second phase of musical inspiration, coming and going as they please. It is a combination of recorded guitars and […]